Prevention is Always Cheaper than the Cure
A borehole installation is a lot like a car. If you leave something that’s small and easily fixable it often becomes larger and much more expensive problem later down the line. You should always inspect all parts of your borehole regularly including the catchment area...
Borehole – An Alternative Water Supply
South Africa has been classified as a water stressed country and Gauteng and the City of Johannesburg are not exceptions of this predicament. It is against this backdrop that one of the pillars of our Water Conservation Demand Management is “Improving the Water Mix”,...

Topline Borehole and Irrigation in Gauteng offers a One Stop Solution for all your water needs, Domestic, Commercial and Agricultural.
We design, specify, supply and install everything from pumps, tanks, filtration, water testing and all other features required for your borehole.
Borehole Maintenance: Keeping Your Water Supply Running all Year Round
With regular borehole maintenance check-ups you can not only extend the working life of the borehole but also maintain its efficiency and borehole yield.

New Website Launch
Tips for Maintaining Your Borehole
It’s tempting for business and homeowners to try and carry out regular servicing on their own borehole to save costs. However, this can, and has led to them doing almost irreversible damage to their borehole water supply.
Any time you open your borehole cover, you create the opportunity for bacteria and foreign objects to get into the water supply.
We have been called out to various borehole sites across the country where tools have been dropped into the borehole by mistake and pumps have gotten stuck or fallen to the bottom of the borehole. These can be quite costly to fix.
If the borehole owner hadn’t taken the matter into their own hands, these problems would have been avoidable.
Borehole contractors like ourselves have both specialist knowledge and equipment to keep private water supply systems fully operational and water supplies safe from contamination.
Registration of Boreholes
On following up on this dilemma facing end-users, we have been told by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry that:
According to the website:
Who must register their water use? All water users, who do not receive their water from a service provider, local authority, water board, irrigation board, government water scheme or other bulk supplier and who are using water for: · Irrigation · Mining purposes · Industrial use · Feedlots, or · In terms of a General Authorisation
This covers the use of surface and groundwater.
Other uses which must be registered include: · Diversion of rivers and streams · Discharges of waste or water containing waste · Storage. Any person or body storing water for any purpose (including irrigation, domestic supply, industrial use, mining, aqua culture, fishing, water sport, aesthetic value, gardening, landscaping, golfing, etc) from surface runoff, groundwater or fountain flow in excess of 10,000 cubic metres or where the water area at full supply level, exceeds 1 hectare in total on land owned or occupied by that person or body and not in possession of a permit or permission. · Stream flow reduction activities (Afforestation). All afforestation (tree planting) for commercial purposes, including communal forestry for commercial gain, that took place prior to 1972, must be registered. Forest owners who have permits issued under the Forestry Act need not register, as we will send them completed registration documents, compiled from our records, to amend if required, to sign and return. · Local authorities and other bulk suppliers with their own water sources and purification works. · Controlled Activities, such as irrigating with waste, power generation with water, atmospheric modification or recharging an aquifer.
Who does NOT need to Register? If you receive water from a local authority, a water board, an irrigation board or another bulk water supplier, you do not need to register that use. The Department will register you if required and send you a certificate or a semi-completed application to fill in.
The National Water Act allows a person to take water for reasonable domestic use directly from any water resource to which he or she has lawful access. No licence or registration is required for this. It also allows a person to take water for small gardening (not for commercial purposes) and the watering of animals (excluding feedlots) on land owned or occupied by that person, from any water resource which is situated on or forms a boundary of that land, if the use is not excessive in relation to the capacity of the water resource and the needs of other users. This means that most users using groundwater in towns and cities and those users with ‘windmills’ (windpumps) on their own properties, need not register!!
Contact persons for more information or any enquiries:
Regional Directors · Area managers
Contact telephone numbers for country-wide DWAF offices:
Head Office – Tel: (012) 336 – 6703 / Eastern Cape – Tel: (043) 642 – 1045 Free State – Tel: (051) 430 – 3134 / Northern Cape – Tel: (053) 831 – 4125 Mpumalanga – Tel: (013) 752 – 4183 / North West – Tel: (018) 384 – 3270 Kwa-Zulu Natal – Tel: (031) 336 – 2700 / Western Cape – Tel: (021) 950 – 7100 / Gauteng – Tel: (012) 392 – 1300 / Northern Province – Tel: (015) 295 – 9410